Today everybody experience about 4K video streaming. Before we discuss the technical details, the simple understanding of 4K is pure and clearer picture quality. It is also called as Ultra HD or 4K resolution.
This is the ultimate online video imaging streaming that allows you to enjoy the high quality picture which offers two time better quality resolution of regular HD.
May be in future, it will grab up all the bandwidth that attached with HD video streaming. Direct TV is the pioneered company to launched 4k as pay TV services in United States.
What is 4K?
What is 4K? 4K display has consists more than 8 million active pixels. The standard of resolutions are vary on multiple devices. For instance, (3,840 by 2,160) is for TV Screen & (4,096 by 2,160) for digital cinema is set standard. As we already know about slow Wi-Fi has no space regarding the ultra High definition content.
Simply you can define it, more than 23 times better resolution of standard definition TV and its display clearer more than 4 times of pixel on 1,080p display. 4K content has the capacity of holding the pixel in compact space makes it to produce the better image quality.
Sometime people complaining about the picture quality of HD videos, for this, few companies have the new technology that transfer the scale of 1080p into the HD resolution content. This image improvement technology provides you the clear quality of picture but it isn’t looks as 4K content.
Fiber Internet for 4K Streaming
4K resolution is much higher than as compare to the old version of picture resolution so its needs more bandwidth to transfer data and High Fiber Internet Connection. For streaming 4K videos needs much fast internet connection that is why, top streaming service companies in United States recommends minimum 25 Mbps downstream speed for excellent results.
In near future, 5G will become the core source that incredibly fast to change the streaming world. 5G is the fifth generation advance tool in field of data connectivity and wireless technology. People are streaming 4K videos with high speed fiber internet, although they are facing low bandwidth or low speed internet.
Hopefully in future, 5G resolve the connectivity issue and we will be able to streaming 4K videos or even 8K videos without facing any problem. This is 5G, that will change all about wireless technology and all what is connect between them.
Is Cable Internet Support 4K (Ultra HD) Videos?
Is it myth or true? But in reality People asking question that are we really watching 4K videos with the support of Cable internet. Technically or being a realistic approach we can’t able to watch the 4K or HDR content format through the cable network.
Everybody listening already too much about the high resolution format and streaming content whether they are watching 4K or not. But if you are watching HDR Videos through cable internet, it will useless because you are watching cable TV, and these are not actually the HDR or 4K videos.
Although some streaming tools available in market for supporting 4K video streaming and for download HDR Content but one thing is clear that cable internet doesn’t support more than 1080p resolution. So please don’t allow Cable Company to fool yourself.
Sometime people have digital TVs with cable internet connections or some cases they have normal 1080p resolution TVs with high fiber internet connection. In both cases, by default they have clearer and brighter picture quality but it has no effect on pixel quality or high resolution.
Watching 4K Streaming Videos
Although people are saying that they have streaming HDR videos or viewing 4K content at home but is it true or not? In United States, multiple streaming platforms offer different streaming plans.
Even though with the availability of multiple high definition plans, most of peoples are streaming 4K or HDR content is not actually 4K. For better knowing that are you watching HDR or not, you should have the list of HD streaming content provided by your streaming company.
It will helps you to know the exact description of your streaming content. Netflix and Amazon Videos has 4K videos streaming list for their subscribers. If you are willing to watch high definition resolution (HDR) content than you should ready to pay more.
If you are one of them who are willing to pay more than Netflix Premium Plan is best for you. On the other hand, Amazon Prime subscriber can access to reach 4K content without any extra charges.