
How To Find Your Debit Card Number Online? Quick Tips!

Whether you forgot your card at home or have misplaced it, figuring out how to find your debit card number online may help in a number of situations. Now, you may think that as with every other thing online that is straightforward to find, debit card number should be accessible as well but that is not the case. Let’s take a look at the workarounds.

What Will We Talk About Here?
  • You can find your debit card number online only if bank privacy protocols allow. Otherwise, you will need to contact the customer support service for further guidance.
  • Online banking, mobile app, and contact the card issuer are some of the way to find your debit card number online.
  • Offline approached to access the debit card number include checking out bank statements or retro paperwork.

…and Much More!

How To Find Your Debit Card Number Online?

It largely depends upon bank privacy protocols and their method of operation if you can find the debit card number online or not. In any case, you can contact your bank for additional help if other methods of accessing it online do not work.

Find Debit Card Number Through Online Banking

If the bank offers you access to debit card number online, the process will be quite simple. Following are the straightforward steps that you need to perform to get this done.

  1. Open your online bank account by providing the correct username and password.
  2. Then access the dashboard for online banking or main settings.
  3. Then you will have to find and click on the Statement option in your account. Depending on which bank you use, the placement of this option may vary.
  4. After that, click on the account linked to your debit card and open the recent statement available online.
  5. Go through the statement to find the Debit Card/Point of Sale terminology or similar option.
  6. Your debit card number will most definitely be given somewhere here.

Attention! Keep in mind that you will have to provide one-time password verification in order to view any of the card information that is available online.

Look For Debit Card Number Via US Bank Mobile App

Most of the banks do not allow accountholders to view debit card information through the mobile app. However, there are exceptions like the U.S. Bank. In this case, following is the protocol for checking the card number through the banking mobile app.

  1. Open the main menu and tap on the left corner of the screen.
  2. Here you will find the option that states Manage Cards.
  3. Tap on the card that you want to view the information for.
  4. Then choose the Show Number option. This will display data including card number, CVV code, expiration date, etc.

You will also see the option to hide the card information or copy the debit card number if you need to paste or save it elsewhere.

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How To Find Your Debit Card Number Offline?

There are some indirect approaches to finding your debit card number which may not require you to go online. Let’s discuss them below!

Check It On The Card or Bank Statement

One of the simplest ways to find your debit card offline is to make use of the bank statements that you already have or check out the card issued from the bank.

  • Most banking or card statement contain partial debit card number only. This is done to increase privacy.

This means that you may not be able to find the complete number looking at the statements alone. However, these rules do not govern account statements issued by all types of banks and financial institutions.

It is very much possible that that particular bank that you are using still prints the account numbers on the statement so you should be able to identify the debit card number from here.

Moreover, the debit card number will only be accessible if you have a prepaid debit card. In this case, the statement might show the number of the card. On the other hand, it may only show the checking account number if your debit card is linked to the checking account. Hence, you will not be able to find the debit card number using this method.

The next problem in question is whether customers who have opted for paperless bank statements can find such information offline? Well, you can only do this if you have printed statements with you. Otherwise, you will need an internet connection to view and download PDF statements from the online bank account or the mobile app.

Get In Touch With The Card Issuer

You can also try to obtain the debit card number through the card issuer but this may involve going through a series of questions. The issuing company can ask you to confirm information like your PIN, social security number, account number of the associated bank, etc.

  • It is compulsory to share all this data when you call the card issuer so we recommend to have written notes available at the time of the call.

Wait! Are you hoping that the company will provide you the debit card number directly if you pass all the security checks and answer the questions correctly? That’s pretty unlikely!

If you need the information because you have lost the card, the issuing company will agree to send you a replacement. However, it is against the privacy protocols of most of the competent banks and financial institution to share something as sensitive as a debit card number over a phone call.

Other Methods To Find Your Debit Card Number Online

We are not out of options just yet! There are other possibilities that you can explore online. Let’s take a look at these one by one.

With The Help of Payment Apps or Online Merchants

If none of the previous suggestions have worked out, we would recommend you try indirect methods to find out the card number instead.

  • One way to do so is to check if you have saved the information in any of the payment apps on your phone.

For example, Google Pay or Apple Pay often save card information when you use them to pay online. Certain website will also save your debit card number when you shop.

You can look for unmasked data on these apps or websites to find your debit card number. However, there is a little bump on the road as security standards for such platforms ensure no one is able to access sensitive financial information. Getting your debit card number through this approach would be equivalent to hacking your own account online.

Look For It On Retro Paperwork

This method depends on whether you are able to find any qualifying paper with you or not. It is unlikely to work but you should definitely give it a try.

Basically, retro paperwork refers to any old-fashioned paperwork that certain merchants may still be using such as old credit card imprinters or old card reading machines that were often used in emergencies.

Find The Debit Card Number on Dark Web

Users mostly employee this approach when they want to make sure that their debit card number is safe but, if need be, it can also be used to find out debit card number online. Let’s breakdown the procedure to understand how it works.

  • Any bank that providers you with a card number will have information stored somewhere on their servers.
  • Information such as account number or debit card number is also exchanged when you make payments via electronic devices or websites.
  • Thus it is possible for hackers to access this information and leak it at the Dark Web for sale.
  • Therefore, you can find debit card number through Dark Web monitoring if you have access and resources to do so.

Attention! Identity Guard is just one of the many professional credit monitoring services that you can hire online to find your debit card number on the Dark Web.

Last Option: Take a Guess!

This is going to be an interesting section to read here so stay tuned!

So far we have explored all the options that you can consider to find your debit card number offline or online. But, what if none of these work?

Then we come down to testing your memory! This strategy can prove to be quite helpful especially if you are into placing frequent online orders. Customers who happen to buy things online and go for manual entry of the card information may remember their debit card number by heart.

  • You can also figure out the last 5 digits of the card number using the statements and determine the rest with help of whatever you remember.

Since the first digit in your debit card number stand for the issuer, you can find the particular digit for your card looking at the company name i.e. Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or American Express. In addition to this, the next 5 digits are known as issue identified number and are also specific for the issuing company. As it is part of the tracking details for the card, the company may be able to provide you with this information.

Eventually, you will only have to figure out the 5 digits that fall in the middle! This is when things really come down to your memory. Jolt what may come to mind and you can succeed in reconstructing the debit card number without any help.

Extra Reading

Important Debit Card Information To Look Into

We hardly pay attention to what different information displayed on our debit cards mean. However, it would be a good idea to grasp this knowledge as it can be helpful in case you face any issues with the card use. Some terminologies that should be aware of are briefly discussed below.

Debit Card Number

The debit card number is typically a 16-digit code printed on your card. Just like unique digit combination that makes up your checking account number, the debit card number is specific to your card only.

This means every cardholder has to provide his or her own card number at the time of the purchase online, in store, or via phone. Hence it is very important to not lose this information or share it with anyone else.

Debit Card Expiration Date

The expiration date of the card will be printed on it next to the “Valid Thru” phrase in front. You can notice the month and the year till when the card is usable for transactions and withdrawals.

Notice that the card will expire as soon as the last day in the month is finished. You have to apply for a new debit card then. This can de done online at the bank’s website or through the app but it will be sent to you in physical form via mail.

Debit Card CVV Code

The CVV code is printed on most of the debit and credit cards. It is typically a 4 or 4 digit code that is added as an extra layer of security to protect your bank account and therefore, your financials, in case anyone is able to hack your personal details.

The CVV code is printed at different points depending on which company provided you with the card. American Express cards have a 4 digit number printed on the front whereas other mainstream providers like Visa, Mastercard or the Discover cards have 3 digit number printed on the back.

Debit Card EMV Chip

EMV chips have been recently made part of debit and credit cards. Their job is to provide additional security to your card as well as the bank account as they make it difficult to duplication any data linked to the card.

EMV chips are more reliable than conventional magnetic strip protective measures. These are located on front of the card in Mastercard, Visa, and Europay debit cards.

The Bottom Line

If you are caught in a situation where having the debit card number online will save you a trip all the way back home to get the physical card, we would recommend that you try your best to find it.

However, keep in mind that simply getting the debit card number online is not a safe or viable alternative to losing the card. You will not be able to make transactions or purchase with the card number alone. Therefore, you must report it stolen or missing immediately. Then you can go online to order a new one as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I find my debit card number if I don’t have the card with me?

Yes. You can find the debit card number without the card. This is possible if you have any of the account statements produced after an ATM withdrawal of at a digital kiosks. Such receipts have the card number printed on them. Moreover, you can also get it through mobile digital banking by logging in your account and checking for debit card credentials.

Where to find the debit card number on the phone?

The only way to find the debit card number on your phone is to open the mobile app and look for your banking credentials and details like account number and routing number.

Is debit card number always available online?

Your debit card number will only be visible online if the bank privacy settings allow. Otherwise, you will have to call the bank for further guidance on how to obtain the card number online.