It can get hassle to deal with loads of coins that you end up collecting in a year or so. After you are done reading our blog on Does coinstar take dollar coins, you would not only know how to exchange the coins quickly but also figure out better ways to do it other than cash. So, let’s get going.
- Coinstar does take dollars, pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters of state series.
- You will not be able to exchange Eisenhower silver dollars, pure silver, foreign coinage, and 1943 steel pennies at Coinstar.
- You can redeem the coins at Coinstar for cash, gift card, or donate it to a charity of your choice.
…and Much More!
Does Coinstar Take Dollar Coins?
When we think about exchanging coins, banks are probably the first option that comes to our mind. Although banks allow you to bring in coins to cashier who will count them manually to offer cash in return, most of them have got rid counting machines.
What to do when you want to get done with the counting quickly and explore other means to redeem the coins than cash? Coinstar is the answer!
You will find the machines at different stores including Kroger, Walmart and others. Consequently, Coinstar use is pickup up pace but many people are yet confused about does coinstar take dollars or does coinstar take half dollars?
The answer is yes! Coinstar accepts dollar and other types of coins too. Let us give you a quick overview of what coinstar takes and what it does not.
Types of Coins That Coinstar Takes
Below is the complete list of coins that you can process and exchange at Coinstar. Take a look!
- $0.01 coins or pennies
- $0.05 coins of nickel
- Nickel coins in new designs
- $0.10 coins or dine
- $0.25 coins or quarter
- Quarter of state series
- Quarters introduced after the state series
- $0.50 or half dollars minted after 1969.
- $1.00 or a dollar.
- Dollar including those from Sacagawea, Susan B Anthony, and the new Presidential series.
Attention! Coinstar accepts bills too but this feature is available at a few kiosks only.
List of Coin Types That Coinstar Does Not Accept
There is also a long list of coins that the Coinstar machine does not accept for exchange. Some of these are listed below.
- Eisenhower silver dollars ($1.00)
- 1943 US Pennies ($0.01)
- Bent coins
- Silver 1964 and previous dimes ($0.10)
- Silver 1964 and previous quarters ($0.25)
- Silver 1964 and previous half dollars ($0.50)
- Foreign coins
- Commemorative coins
- Damaged coins or those that are too dirty
Extra Reading
How Coinstar Works – Everything You Need To Know
The Coinstar machine is pretty easy to operate. You just have to take care of certain things before beginning the counting process. We will break down the procedure for you. Take a look!
- First of all, you have to make sure that coins are clean. It helps to remove dust and separate any paper or unwanted objects that may be stored along with the coins. This can mess up the counting procedure of the machine.
- Then you can start off by selecting how you want to redeem the coins. There are three options on the table: cash, egift cards, and donations. We have talked more about this in the section below!
- After you have made the choice, place the coins in the coin tray of Coinstar machine. Then lift the handle to dispense them into the sorter.
- The machine will start doing its magic right away! You will hear a sound as confirmation that machine is sorting the coins.
- Soon afterwards, the coin count and dollar amount will show up in the screen in front of you.
- Then depending on the option of redemption that you chose, the machine will give you either a voucher for cash, an eGift card, or a receipt for equivalent donation.
Attention! According to some sources, the Coinstar machine has a limit of $3000. Therefore, you should contact the Customer support team before trying to redeem an amount larger than this. The team is available at (800) 928-2274. They will guide you on how to carry out the process.
Moreover, don’t forget to pick up coins from the return tray. The machine will dispose the coins that can not be accepted so you can use them elsewhere.
How To Redeem The Coins
There are three ways to redeem the coins that you have collected. We will discuss them briefly below.
- Cash
Majority of the users prefer to redeem the coins in form of cash. It gives them the flexibility to use the money anyway they want. However, a drawback is that you will have to pay an 11.9% fee.
When you choose this option, the coins will be counted and you will be given a voucher in exchange that is 11.9% less in amount than the total worth. You can then take the voucher to the cashier in store and redeem it for cash. It is compulsory to collect the money on the same day as you receive the voucher.
- eGift Card
Depending on the particular kiosk that you are visiting, it is possible to redeem the coins as eGift cards from, Nike, Old Navy, AMC, Starbucks, etc. There are no additional charges.
You have to confirm that the store of your choice allows for this mode of redemption. Then you can select the preferred eGift card and deposit the coins to receive the voucher code. You have to provide the unique whenever you wish to shop via gift card online or in stores.
Keep in mind this is not possible at all Kiosks as only a few allow you to redeem the coins as eGift cards.
- Charity Donations
An interesting way to redeem the coins is to covert them into donations. Some preferred charities include Feeding America, WWF, United Way, American Red Cross, Unicef, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, and The Humane Society of the United States.
There is no fee for redeeming the coins as charity. It will go directly to donation company that you choose. The company will give you a receipt as soon as your transaction is complete.
Keep in mind this is not possible at all Kiosks as only a few allow you to redeem the coins as charity.
Why Should You Choose Coinstar?
As you would already know, all of the banks allow you to submit coins and get cash in exchange too. This might make you wonder, why use a Coinstar?
First of all, majority of the users opt for Coinstar because the machine is known to be reliable and accurate when it comes to counting and sorting out coins. It can get the job done quickly as compared to manual counting that happens when you take coins to a cashier at the bank counter.
- Coinstar is also preferred because it is convenient. The machine will do all the sorting and you don’t have to worry about doing that before redeeming the coins. Saves time!
Moreover, certain kiosks have now made it possible to exchange coins with egift cards of prominent stores. You can choose the store of your liking and get its gift card without additional charges.
It also being used in small businesses, stores and malls which considerable increases the access that users have to the machine.
The Bottom Line
So this is all you should know about does coinstar take dollar coins. As you can see, the machine allows you to make better use of the coins if you are not interesting in redeeming them for cash. Did you like our review on does coinstar take dollar coins? Are you aware of more locations that have coinstar? Do let us know in the comment section below!
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of coins can I not exchange at Coinstar?
You will not be able to exchange Eisenhower silver dollars, pure silver, foreign coinage, and 1943 steel pennies at Coinstar.
How much fee do I have to pay for taking out a dollar at Coinstar?
The machine charges 11.9% of the value of the coins that you insert. However, you can avoid the charges by opting for a gift card instead.
Can I exchange dollar coins at Walmart?
Walmart and other stores like Kroger have Coinstar so you can can exchange coins here for cash, gift cards, or donate it to a charity.