
Best Tradeline Companies That Can Help Fix Your Credit Report Quickly

The addition of a good tradeline company to your credit history can do wonders. As soon as such accounts appear on your credit report, they can help boost your credit score. If you want to work with one of the best tradeline companies but need help knowing where to start, this guide is for you!

What Will We Talk About Here?
  • Tradeline Supply, CreditPro, BoostCredit101, and SuperiorTradelines are the best tradelines companies to work with.
  • You can add a tradeline to your credit report by choosing the company to work with > going through the contract > choosing the mode of payment > sharing the required documents > confirming.
  • Tradelines stay on the credit report for 2 to 3 billing cycles but this can be anywhere up to 6 months.

…and Much More!

Best Tradeline Companies In USA

Using the trick of buying a tradeline only works if you do it with a reputable company. We always suggest readers do thorough research before relying on any tradeline company. Keep in mind that, in this case, good reviews and trustworthy customer feedback are very important.

Tradeline Supply Company

Tradeline Supply Company was launched in 2017, so customers often view it as a newcomer to the world of finance.

However, you must recognize its fully automated and impeccable online system, which has swiftly overtaken other competitors in less than four years.

The company operates completely online, which allows it to keep their prices low.

Considering that other tradeline companies are quite expensive, you must consider this option, especially considering the outstanding customer reviews it has gathered recently.

Why Should You Choose Tradeline Supply Company 

  • 4.3 stars on Google reviews
  • The majority of the customers have shared trustworthy and happy remarks
  • It offers some of the lowest prices that you would find in the market
  • The company introduces different deals from time to time, such as “buy two tradelines to earn 10% off on the second.”
  • It reports to at least 2 of the three major credit bureaus and can, therefore, be a tool to improve your credit score.


CreditPro was launched in 2007, and therefore, it is considered to be one of the oldest businesses in town.

The company has a good reputation for having worked with thousands of credit reports.

CreditPro can’t do much to improve your credit score as it does not report to any major credit bureau.

However, it hosts a good collection of tradelines with at least three minimum years and a good payment history.

Most tradelines here also have less than 10% of the available credit utilization ratio, making them a good choice for boosting credit scores.

Why Should You Choose CreditPro 

  • The tradelines will be posted in less than a week from the date of purchase
  • Most tradelines offer less than 10% of the available credit utilization ratio
  • The tradeline will stay on your credit report for more than three months
  • It is one of the older and, therefore, most reliable tradeline companies in the market
  • They have worked with thousands of credit reports over the years


BoostCredit101 offers full transparency in their service. Moreover, you can look through categories to find the tradeline that suits you best. Price, limit, lender, and statement day have classified them.

One of the best advantages of choosing BoostCredit101 is that the company is quite committed to keeping your data safe. It uses encrypted servers to ensure that all the information you share is kept confidential and automatically removed after three months.

Why Should You Choose BoostCredit101

  • The tradeline will be posted to you within two weeks
  • The company reports to at least two major credit bureaus
  • It thoroughly verifies the tradeline that it is selling to ensure you don’t land into any fraud
  • You can have access to a professional team that would help you decide the kind of tradeline that you need
  • It has a 5-star rating on Google reviews

Another name that stands out in the list of reliable tradeline companies is SuperiorTradelines. It provides free consultation and can post your tradeline in more than 60 days.

You will find many authorized user tradelines for sale here. These are listed publicly on their official website. Moreover, the company has an elaborate application process following sign up. You can seek further guidance from their customer support service or go through the FAQ section for help.

Keep in mind that the tradeline company does not offer any special bundles or deals. You will also notice that the tradelines available here are more expensive than similar ones at other companies.

Why you should choose SuperiorTradelines

  • You can sort tradelines by lender, credit limit, statement day, price, and age for convenience.
  • It offers full replacement or refund if your tradeline does not report to 2 credit bureaus.
  • It relies on encrypted server to ensure that information of tradeline is kept secure. Moreover, all parties are carefully verified to reduce risk of spams and frauds.
  • SuperiorTradelines also automatically eliminates all type of customer data after 90 days.
  • You can get assistant from their qualified customer representatives any time.

Why You Should Work With Best Tradeline Companies To Build Credit

You can already see how useful it is to work with one of the best tradeline companies. If you still need more reasons to look into this then here are top 4 benefits of purchasing a tradeline.

Better Chances Of Getting Approved For a Loan

Getting approved for a reliable loan program can be the answer to most of your financial problems. Since lenders always take a look on your credit report before you rent a new car or home, you have to keep this record in best of shapes.

Tradelines can help you do just that! They would add to your credit history and help you get approval for a loan or even a good credit card.

Higher Odds of Scoring a Lower Interest Rate

Customers with poor credit score often complain about only being able to apply for high APR credit cards or large loans with unexpected interest rate.

If a tradeline can boost your credit score, it can eventually help you score lower interest as well. You will be saving thousands of dollars by getting the loan you needed on favorable terms.

Makes It Easier To Rent An Apartment

Similar to getting a loan on good terms, tradelines can also help you rent an apartment easily. The landlord may be scared to look at your low score and determine you as a risky tenant but with right tradelines, you can make just the impression you need to get the deal done.

Strengthens Your Image In Front Of Potential Employers

Employers also take a look at credit reports to determine if a future employee can be entrusted with the job or not. A good job can be difficult to score with a thin credit history. Tradeline can be of huge help in this case.

What Makes a Best Tradeline Company Stand Out?

Similar to choosing the right credit card, the decision of a good tradeline company is not easy. So many options can further complicate the final choice.

If you are having trouble deciding which company to rely on, here are a few pointers you should remember.

Trained and Knowledgeable Staff

Fixing the look of your credit report is one of many tasks that tradeline companies are entrusted with.

They also have the job of guiding you to ensure you make the right choice. For this purpose, their staff needs to understand what you are looking for.

Trained staff can get the job done quite easily. Moreover, a dedicated customer support team should also be present to ensure each applicant is dealt with successfully.

Reliable Contact Information and Address

In some of our articles about reliable credit card issuers, we have clearly mentioned that any website that lacks proper contact information is not worth trusting.

Similarly, best tradeline companies always provide contact addresses and numbers so their customers can easily reach out to them in need.

If a website fails to do this, it must have something to do with how disreputable it is.

Years Of Experience In The Industry

Although there are a few exceptions, like Tradeline Supply Company, most trustworthy companies are made after years of experience in the industry.

This can be observed by examining their length of stay in the market and the number of customers they have served so far.

Such statistics provide good insight into how successful a tradeline company is and if you can trust them to enhance your credit report.

Transparency and Authenticity

Good credit cards, loan companies, and tradeline companies ensure their websites are as transparent as possible.

They openly listopenly list their available accounts and prices, loan terms, and interest rates.

If a company is not inclined to hide anything, then that is some guarantee of how reliable they are in business.

How to Add Tradelines To Your Credit Report In 5 Simple Steps

Although purchasing a tradeline and adding it to your credit report varies from company to company, it is always as simple as updating your records.

Following is a step-by-step guide on how to complete this task without any hassle.

Select The Tradeline You Wish To Add

First of all, you have to choose the tradeline that you wish to add. Keep the points that we discussed above in your mind before making this decision.

Older tradelines are somewhat expensive, but they are also more reliable and useful. Furthermore, you can buy as many tradelines as you need (or want!), keeping your budget in mind.

Tip! It is not about the quantity. If you think a single, expensive tradeline would benefit your credit report the most then there is no point in spending money on multiple, low-quality tradelines.

Go Through The Contract

It is obvious that your bad credit score needs help, but that does not mean you should overlook the terms of the agreement.

This document is prepared to highlight the terms and conditions associated with purchasing the particular tradeline.

As a temporary authorized user, you should keep these in mind. Please read them carefully before finalizing the contract.

Choose Payment Method

The next step is to pay for contract. In most cases you complete money transfer online through your bank account and some even let you pay over phone.

Share The Required Documents

You must provide certain documents before your credit report is updated. These might include your driver’s license and social security card, along with some personal contact information.

You can upload these documents directly to Tradeline’s official website. However, make sure you do so using a secure internet connection.

Update And Check Your Credit Report

Now what? You wait! The tradeline will appear on your credit report, but it can take some time, so be patient.

Typically, the tradeline company will update you once the information has been added and your credit history improves. Nonetheless, you should always keep an active check on yourself.

Mistakes To Avoid When Buying a Tradeline

Undoubtedly, tradelines can be quite effective in boosting your credit score.

However, this is most beneficial when you know some basic mistakes that must be avoided in their purchase.

Understanding How Tradeline Works

Most customers need to be made aware of how tradelines work. They are under the impression that a tradeline might be a permanent solution for their credit situation when that is not the case!

You must understand that purchasing a tradeline means you will be temporarily renting somebody’s records.

They will only stay on your report for a short period; therefore, they can not be considered permanent help for those with bad credit scores.

Relying On Disreputable Company

You won’t enjoy the experience unless you choose a reputable company that knows how credit repair works. There are many frauds and scammers out there, so you need to learn how to select the right tradeline company that fits your needs. Take your time!

Not Understanding Their Credit Report

You are buying a tradeline to fix your credit report, but if you have yet to look at it and figure out the parts that need to be improved, then not even a nice tradeline can help you.

According to research, 4/10 US citizens still need a copy of their credit report.

This means they will need to be made aware of how their score was calculated and how it can be improved. Before you purchase any tradeline, make sure you have gone through your report thoroughly.

Choosing Quantity Over Quality

Buying multiple cheap tradelines might not do you any good. It is better to find a few tradelines that may be expensive but more reputable and helpful. Good tradelines are typically pricey because of their stable, long history.

Considering Them As Substitute For Credit Repair

As discussed above, tradelines are only temporary solutions for your poor credit score. They help temporarily boost it but will only stay on your report for some time.

If you want to improve your score over time, you have to adopt permanent, long-term methods, such as a real commitment to better money management, timely payments, and a lower credit utilization ratio.

What Are Some Alternatives To Best Tradeline Companies

Purchasing a tradeline is just one way to improve your credit history. There are other hacks and tips that you can also follow that will be quite effective. Some of them don’t even require you to spend money.

Take Care Of Your Pending Debt

Credit card debt can quickly lower your credit score. If you want to boost your record, consider paying off debt in full. Eliminating pending debt will also save you from high-interest rates.

Another approach is to keep the credit utilization ratio as low as possible. Financial experts suggest that you should never use more than 30% of the available credit to keep your score in good shape.

Dispute Credit Report Errors and Mistakes

There are not many things that you can enjoy with low credit score and some even wish to give it a boost as quickly as possible. Besides buying a tradeline, you can also scrutinize your credit report and see if there is a negative item that can be disputed.

Note! Disputing credit report means that you found an incorrect information on your record and you want it removed. This only works if the data is actually wrong.

Each user is allowed to obtain one credit report for free in 12 months. This is a good way to keep a check on the data quoted here and dispute any if needed.

Apply For a Secured Credit Card

If you have an extremely low score, then it would be difficult to get approval for an unsecured credit card.

Your best bet here is to apply for a secured card, make an initial deposit, and start building your credit history with good spending habits.

The money that you deposit as security will be used wisely.

In most cases, it is used as the credit limit for your account. If you successfully build a good standing, you may eventually upgrade to unsecured credit cards with epic rewards programs.

Try Credit Builder Loan

Another strategy is to try out a credit builder loan. This lets you borrow money, but the funds won’t be transferred directly.

You are required to send money to a savings account every month. Once the loan term ends, you will get the amount and any interest on your balance.

Extra Reading

Tradelines on credit report are simple! This term in only used to refer to the list of accounts mentioned on your record.

Consequently, a tradeline could be anything for a new credit card that you just got or a finance loan you have been approved for.

This means people with good credit score would definitely have some nice tradelines to show off their on their credit report!

In contrast, customers with poor credit scores might have pending payments, debts, or even bankruptcy in their tradelines.

So, what makes the best tradeline companies so necessary? 

If you currently have a low score, you will also know that there is nothing you can do to improve it overnight.

FinancialFinancial experts suggest you improve your spending habits, pay off loans, make timely payments, etc. However, the effect of these will only be reflected in your FICO score after a couple of months.

Tradeline companies are relevant since many want to start immediately! If you are looking for a shortcut to improving your score right away, then these are your only answers!

Here’s the catch.

Purchase of a tradeline means that your name will be added as an authorized user to another owner’s credit report temporarily. It is like you would be buying good credit from someone to appear as part of your credit history.

Doesn’t this sound interesting? If you want to give it a try, we have compiled a list of 3 best tradeline companies below that you can put your trust in!

For somebody new? Maybe! 

Customers who are just about to try this for the first are often intimidated by the process. However, once you know your options and the purchase protocol, you will realize there is nothing to worry about!

Your most important job is to find the right tradeline for your credit report and figure out which company can help you best in this regard.

There is a long list of tradeline companies available online, so always review them before finalizing your choice.

This has to be one of the most frequently asked questions related to Tradeline and their use.

What is the answer? Yes! Tradelines are completely legal and legitimate.

No federal law or rules and regulations in the state prohibit the use of Tradeline to improve credit scores.

Nonetheless, you need to confirm that you are working with a reputable company.

There are scam sites on the internet, and many frauds have been reported in the credit repair industry.

Knowing the worth of the tradeline company you rely on is extremely important.

Some dishonest companies may take money from you but never deliver what they had promised in the deal.

This largely depends on your chosen company and the tradeline you add to the report.

Typically, tradelines stay on the credit report for 2 to 3 billing cycles, but this can be anywhere from 2 to 6 months.

In some cases, accountholders have pointed out that tradelines remained on their credit reports long after the deal was closed.

This again depends on the type of tradeline that you are buying.

It may be just a hundred dollars if you have chosen a cheap tradeline with a short sale history, up to $5,000 for those with long, stable credit standing.

Well-established accounts are the ones that have a long, good payment history, low balances, and a high credit line.

Such tradelines can be quite expensive but are most beneficial if you wish to boost your credit score quickly.

Tip! So many choices can make it difficult to decide which one you want to buy. Luckily, there are tradeline companies that offer customer support that would help you find one that best fits your goal and budget.

Tradelines not only affect credit limits but also impact your credit utilization ratio.
Many customers purchase tradelines that can help them cash higher credit limits.

It is still being determined if this is a good move. When a bank offers you a credit line, it does so considering your credit standing and income. A tradeline would temporarily improve these factors but will be available shortly.

On the other hand, purchasing a tradeline that can help you improve your credit utilization ratio is always more beneficial.

In our previous articles, we talked about good credit cards and explained some benefits of getting yourself added as an authorized user on somebody else’s reports. If you are new here, read the following quick recap. 

Authorized users are like co-partners for a credit line and can remain in that position as long as the main accountholder permits. It is also effective in boosting credit score fast.

In contrast, buying a tradeline is useful for a short period of time only. Since it is a temporary arrangement, you have to be careful about what you purchase.

Tradeline companies now offer more than just credit-improving services. Some provide personal and business funding and credit sweeps. However, such services increase their business’s liability.

We recommend that you work with tradeline companies that offer only specialised services. These companies are better at delivering the promised results.

Another thing to watch is whether the tradeline company works with CPNs. Scammers often provide Credit Profile Numbers or Credit Privacy Numbers, which they sell to you as a code for “clean credit history.” They advise you to use them instead of the Social Security Number when applying for credit.

However, the federal government has confirmed that CPNs are not legal and will be considered a crime to lie on a loan application.

The Bottom Line

Working with one of the best tradeline companies can boost your credit score quickly and help you get the loan, apartment, car, or credit card you always wanted.

Since you now know what your best options are and how the purchase of a tradeline works, hopefully, you will get your credit report fixed immediately. Best of luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an authorized user tradeline?

In this case, a primary user can add you as an authorized user to their credit line. You will inherit a portion of their credit history and benefit from their established credit standing. This association can help you improve your bad credit score.

What are the best tradelines to build credit in 2023?

You should thoroughly review online reviews before trusting any tradeline company. Prominent names like Tradeline Supply and BoostCredit101 offer excellent services and amazing customer support.